
realizować projekty: "CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE"(XI-I) ( we współpracy z ponad 40 szkołami z Grecji, Francji, Rumunii, Włoch, Litwy, Czech, Portugalii, Hiszpanii) oraz "LEGENDS OF EUROPE" (XI-III)( Rumunia, Włochy, Francja), "GAMES AND FUND CHILDRENS IN EUROPE" (XI- IV) (Rumunia, Włochy,Grecja), HEALTHY EATING (Włochy,Grecja,Rumunia)
i MAGIC PLACES IN MY CITY (Rumunia, Litwa,Słowacja).

Materiały na temat realizacji projektów znajdziecie na stronach blogów:

We do a film about our city ( Rozpoczęto 25.10.2009 )

Project PictureStudents learn to exchange information about themselves and their city.Make a film about the city. Show interesting places, on the occasion of the customs of the country.
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The world of fairy tales ( Rozpoczęto 08.02.2009 )

Project PictureThe project focused on an international cooperation between school theatre teams.Schools choose a fairy tale and prepare art theater.The results published in the internet.
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European Spring Festival ( Rozpoczęto 07.02.2009 )

Project PictureThe teacher and students from European schools will work in a virtual environment having a common theme:European Spring Festival. The participants will upload music, video clips ( movies), PPT documents and pictures on eTwinning twinspace and on a co…
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young painters ( Rozpoczęto 19.01.2009 )

Project PictureThe pupils wiil observe famous paintings . the teachers will help them pointing out the main qualities. Then the pupils will try to reproduce on their own the paintings , following their own creativity. there will be an exchange of drawings and sugg…
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Music of the World for all Children (Zamknięto13.01.2009 )

Project PictureThe purpose of this project is, to make steps, to find ways and methods for making an intercultural dialogue, and to accept diversity in all views (rase, ethnicity, religion, language, habbits etc.) mainly through music.
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Art photography and Maths (Zamknięto19.09.2009 )

Project PictureTo be European by studying and respecting our natural and cultural environment, our similarities and differences in order to understand our place in the world, to embellish the Earth, which is our life
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bullet Magic places in my city (Zamknięto06.11.2009 )

Project PictureThe project will consist of in presenting 2 – 3 being interested from considerations in historical or cultural from own cities.
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bullet Healthy eating (Zamknięto20.05.2009 )

Project PictureI want to do a draft of a healthy diet. Healthy lifestyle
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Games and fun children's in Europe (Zamknięto )

Project PictureWe want to learn games and fun modern and old . We will describe choose, we will make photos, presentations We will be instructed Your fun .Can game invent case together.
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Christmas in Europe (Zamknięto27.12.2009 )

Project PicturePartner schools of Europe upload the music, movies and photos of traditional Christmas songs, dances, custom from their region and country in a common blog and web space. Pupils in the partner school then make cards or write lyrics that are inspired …
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Legends of Europe (Zamknięto14.09.2009 )

Project PictureMeet the countries of their legends, culture, tradition. Travel in Europ

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